Empowering you to live YOUR best life NOW!
We offer much more than any other online fitness program can offer. We offer you the opportunity to embody the healthy, sustainable lifestyle you deserve to live starting today. Quit waiting for that “someday” when you’ll reach your goals to be happy, healthy, authentic, & abundant. Live Your O.G. Life now with the tools and accountability we provide.
“Your body adapts to what you eat. Your mind adapts to what you consume. Your soul adapts to what you love. What you feed yourself today is who you become tomorrow.”
— James Clear
Who We Serve:
First and foremost, The Fit O.G. LLC is open to serve anyone regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, or otherwise.
This is a place of love, community, growth, and acceptance. The Fit O.G. LLC stands by the Asian, Black, Muslim, Latino, & LGBTQ+ communities. Hate is not be tolerated here!
Our programs serve anyone who is interested in improving their health, fitness, and overall lifestyle. Though, we do tend to resonate most with our LGBTQ+ and Vegan clients. Our personal journies with coming out, being overweight, anxiety, living authentically, going vegan etc…give us a unique outlook & approach to better serve our clients in those areas.
Schedule your free Coaching Session today and see for yourself the difference in working with The Fit O.G. LLC.
Guess what? I moved my belt in another notch today! ?
I feel like I’m actually doing a lifestyle change.
– R.A. (Client Testimonial)
FREE Self-Care Kit!
You need food, water, movement, and recovery as a basic level of care for yourself. You need it to survive.
Those of us that Live Our O.G. Lives are not here to just survive. We are here to THRIVE baby!
That is why I created this Self-Care Kit with over 50 self-care practices to choose from!
This kit is based on The O.G. Life Principles that are incorporated into my coaching programs.
You will learn about self-care practices, the dimensions of health, and how to start incorporating these practices into your life.
This kit includes the following:
– A brief explanation of the 8 dimensions of health & The O.G. Life Principles
– 50+ self-care practices to choose from
– Weekly Self-Care Tracker Template